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Richard Nagel


The Mayan Calendar

Blue Monkey

Blue Planetary Monkey

Blue Planetary Monkey is Sunshee’s galactic signature. According to the Mayan Calendar, each human being is assigned a galactic signature. This signature is associated with his/her birth date. The signature describes the so-called birth imprint, i.e. energies connected to the day of birth.

The Mayan Calendar is composed of 13 tones of creation and 20 star glyphs.

The 13 tones of creation

The 20 star glyphs

Magnetic IMIX (Red Dragon)
Lunar IK (White Wind)
Electric AKBAL (Blue Night)
Self-existing KAN (Yellow Seed)
Overtone CHICCHAN (Red Serpent)
Rhythmic CIMI (White World-Bridger)
Resonant MANIK (Blue Hand)
Galactic LAMAT (Yellow Star)
Solar MULUC (Red Moon)
Planetary OC (White Dog)
Spectral CHUEN (Blue Monkey)
Crystal EB (Yellow Human)
Cosmic BEN (Red Skywalker)
IX (White Wizard)
MEN (Blue Eagle)
CIB (Yellow Warrior)
CABAN (Red Earth)
ETZNAB (White Mirror)
CAUAC (Blue Storm)
AHAU (Yellow Sun)

(Source: www.spacestationplaza.com)

The four colors Red, White, Blue, and Yellow represent cosmic forces and energies: Red stands for the force of initiation, White for the force of refinement, Blue for the force of transformation, and Yellow for the force of full ripening. They follow each other in a sequence of four through the 20 star glyphs.

The Mayan Calendar is more than just a calendar. It is a tool of self-discovery and service to mankind. Blue Planetary Monkey describes a being that is ready to manifest its heart’s desires through challenges (Planetary) and innocence combined with spontaneity (Blue Monkey).

Here are some of the qualities associated with the 10th tone of creation (Planetary): intention, motivation, true identity, change through conflict, and aligned manifestation.

Also, here are some of the qualities associated with the 11th star glyph (Blue Monkey): innocence, spontaneity, inner child, humor, trickster, open-hearted wisdom, transparency, and coping with sudden change.

All indigenous people of the Earth know and respect the wisdom of the turtle, for the power of thirteen is contained within the matrix on the back of a turtle’s shell. Most turtles have a shell that consists of 13 distinct segments which hold the key to understanding time.

Earth is known as Turtle Island among the indigenous people of North America. By recognizing that the Earth is guided by the power of thirteen they consciously remember why Earth is called Turtle Island. As a turtle swims upon the waters of creation, the Earth navigates her way through the cosmos. It takes 13 moons for the Earth to make a complete orbit around the sun.